AGTV Public Websites
First AGTV Public website
The AGTV was the first Single Language Association to host its own website, which was developed by Andrew Ferguson and was initially housed on the server at Trinity Grammar School, where Andrew was a teacher. It later moved later to a commercial server FIGS Media.
The website was live in November 1996 and the AGTV website was managed by Andrew until he stepped down from the role in 2009. He kindly stayed on to assist while planning for the new site proceeded, making his last modification in August 2011, a time span of almost 15 years, The AGTV is grateful to Andrew for his unfailing support of German in this role, and for his work as web manager of the NATG website AusDaF until 2018.
The Victorian government provided seeding grants to language associations and an additional website called Germanlinx was developed by Christine EkinSmyth, Andrew Ferguson, Richelle Hollis and Dave Nutting for the LOTELINX project. Later it was expanded to include Careerslinx. Tina Wilkinson and Kim Black assisted in managing the site but Dave Nutting managed the website for several years on behalf of the AGTV. This website has been closed.
Second AGTV Public Website
Discussions and planning for a new website began in 2005. The concept for the site was competed in 2009 with an ‘edu’ address: Catherine Gosling, Christine EkinSmyth and Michael Atkinson were trained in the CMS in February 2011, and work began in earnest to populate the website with content. Many links were gleaned from AGTV Newsletters forwarded electronically to Networks in the past few years.
The web design was by Studio Ink using Joomla. Most of the photos were supplied by teachers, some from our archives, and only a few stock photos needing to be purchased. Photos on the website launched in 2011 were taken or supplied by teachers: Catherine Gosling, Christine EkinSmyth, Tina Wilkinson, Clare Fleming, Belinda Flint, Liz Ray, Sophie Henry, Kim Black, Dave Nutting, and Helga Mitterhumer, a former Kultur und Sprache presenter from Salzburg in Austria.
The new website was officially launched at the Victorian State Conference in September 2011 and was managed throughout that time by Catherine Gosling.
The Goethe-Institut Australia funded a postcard to promote the website to teachers and the wider community throughout Australia, as the majority of content was relevant for an Australian audience.
The website was suspended in 2021 after being hacked as it was not possible to resolve the security problem.
Third AGTV Public Website
An initial design was suggested by Studio Ink on WordPress in 2021. Content was supplied by Catherine Gosling late in 2022 to launch by the end of that year.
This development of this website was supported by the Victorian Government.
The new website provides information and resources for teachers and students and centralises links to AGTV services. It includes a Blog for the Committee to focus on specific areas related to the teaching and learning of German and to report on related events and services.
AGTV Companion Websites
Management of Events & Membership on Wild Apricot
In 2013, the AGTV began using Wild Apricot (now Personify), a secure online member management system to streamline our administration, including online registration for events, online payments*, and to provide online communities. It has the potential for members to remotely interact with the AGTV in a secure online environment. The website was created by Catherine Gosling.
This website greatly reduced the burden of administration on our volunteer Committee, especially the Treasurer, and allows remote access by geographically dispersed members
*The AGTV occasionally uses TryBooking to accept payments e.g. Year 12 Forums.
IN 2013, the Catherine Gosling created an account with VIMEO on behalf of the Committee. From time to time, the Committee shares videos including videos made by students for the German Days Out at the Melbourne Town Hall, student entries in competitions, videos made by teachers, and others made by the Committee.
German for the Future Website
In 2020, the AGTV developed a new promotional website with support from the Victorian Government. It expanded the Committee’s Choose German poster and postcard campaign to share testimonies and promote the opportunities knowing German brings to encourage the learning of German.
Other Websites & Social Media
The Committee uses boards on Padlet for specific purposes such as sharing audio files of poems for the AGTV Poetry Competition or sharing audio materials for the classroom.
The Committee endorsed a Social Media Policy in 2022 in anticipation of developing a social media presence. A decision is yet to be made for which service/s.
First AusDaF Website
The Network of Australian Teachers of German (NATG) agreed to develop a website for the NATG as a national portal to the different states and territories.
The AGTV coordinated the development of the first website with an ‘edu’ address and with the support of the Goethe-Institut and Andrew Ferguson as the web manager.
Second AusDaF Website
A second website was also developed with the support of the Goethe-Institut.
Andrew remained as web manager until 2018.
The domain host FIGS Media ceased to offer services and a new website was required.
Third AusDaF Website
The AGTV commissioned Studio Ink to develop a new website in 2020 with the support from the Goethe-Institut, and continues to manage the site on behalf of the NATG.
Catherine Gosling coordinated the development, collated the content and continues to manage the site on behalf of the NATG.
The NATG support this site with ongoing costs.