
Ideas for teachers for special activities related to German held in their own schools.

If teachers know of other options, please let us know agtv[a]

Film Incursions

Teachers can screen a film as part of a learning program or for a promotional event such as a German Day at the school, a family afternoon/evening, or event for colleagues.

The Goethe-Institut has a range of options to screen films in schools.

Look out for the Sommerkino program for schools to register to stream films for students.

Borrow DVDs from their library.

Various films screened throughout the year which may be suitable for students.

Virtual borrowing of films (and more) through Onleihe.

Borrow a film from ‘The Goethe Collection’ housed at the National Film and Sound Archive (NFSA) in Canberra. The NFSA lends more than 800 DVDs and 16mm films to non-commercial organisations like community groups, film societies, language studies groups, educational institutions, government departments and professional bodies around Australia for public non-commercial screening

Visiting Performers

Planning a trip to South Australia?

Food Deliveries or Orders

Bretzel (pretzels) have been a part of German baking traditions for centuries.

  • Bretzel Biz – based in Melbourne, delivered around Australia

Or make some playdough and ask students to shape a Brezel without showing them how!

Flammkuchen or Flammekueche, also known in France as Tarte Flambé, is a traditional, regional gastronomic product from the French German border region of Alsace. Order the bases to make at school, perhaps in collaboration with the Food Technology department.

  • Flammekueche – based in South Australia with deliveries to Melbourne

Order Kuchen or Torten

Virtual Excursions