The Association of German Teachers of Victoria Inc. (AGTV) is an incorporated non-profit association.

Reg. A0024716J

ABN 69 688 318 657

The AGTV does not have an office and is not registered for the GST.

Postal Address: PO Box 2165, Forest Hill, 3131

See Contact for emails.

About the Association

The AGTV is a professional subject association founded in 1979 and has been incorporated since 1982. The purpose of the AGTV is to support the teaching and learning of German.

The AGTV is committed to child safety and has zero tolerance of child abuse and racism.

The Association is led by a volunteer Committee elected at the Annual General Meeting. Office bearers are elected by the Committee at the first committee meeting. All members of the Committee must have a current VIT registration or Working With Children Check.

  • Rules of the Association

Some services and events are supported by the Victorian Government, Goethe-Institut and Kultur und Sprache.

About the Committee

The Committee is responsible for and oversees all operations of the AGTV. This includes services and events provided in the name of the AGTV throughout Victoria.

The committee members volunteer their time and expertise to support the teaching and learning of German in planning and delivering events and services.

Communication with members on a day-to-day basis is mostly digital by email and websites.

The Committee publishes SZENE, a national journal for teachers of German in collaboration with the Network of Australian Teachers of German, and coordinates the AGTV-BJR Exchange program in Victoria.

The Committee regularly reviews the delivery of the services in response to changing circumstances and priorities, legal obligations and feedback from members.


AGTV Networks

Collaboration with and between members is facilitated through in-person and online events for teachers and students.

Individual members may access online forums by logging in to the member website.

The Committee allocates schools to AGTV Networks across Victoria and identify Network Leaders to facilitate communication about local issues, to provide feedback to the Committee, and to organise or assist in organising events such as the Regional Final of the Poetry Competition.

AGTV Network Leaders volunteer their time to support the work of the association.

Networking in Victoria and Beyond

The AGTV is –

Über uns auf Deutsche Welle (2017)

  • Bericht – a report from 2017 on association in the IDV