
The Victorian Government Languages Policy states that schools must provide a languages program from Foundation to Year 10 as a condition of their registration under legislation (the Education and Training Reform Act 2006 (Vic)). The program must be delivered by a Victorian Institute of Teaching (VIT) registered teacher or staff with permission to teach.

Department of Education and Training (DET) information about Languages in schools


Languages are one of the eight learning areas of delivering world-class curriculum and assessment, as reaffirmed by all Australian Education Ministers in 2019.

The (then) Australian Government Department of Education, Skills and Employment engaged the Australian Federation of Modern Language Teachers Associations (AFMLTA) to develop a National Languages Plan & Strategy in consultation with key stakeholders. The final document was submitted in May 2022.


The Internationaler Deutschlehrerinnen- und Deutschlehrerverband (IDV) has a language policy division.

The European Centre for Modern Languages of the Council of Europe (ECML) aims to encourage excellence and innovation in language teaching and support its member states in the implementation of effective language education policies.